Are you at risk of getting periodontal disease?
Take the following questionnaire to know your risk factors.
In this issue you can determine your risk factors by answering the following questions:
- How old are you? The risk of attracting Gum disease increase as we age. As a result, the majority of persons who suffer from gum disease usually fall on persons over the age of 40. There is a unique type of gum disease that affect teenagers and young adults called Rapidly Progressive Periodontitis.
- Do your gums bleed when you brush, or do you spit blood? This is a clear most common sign of gum disease. Some patients also complain of blood on the pillow in the morning. If you smoke, you usually will not bleed because your gums are thick and scarred from the nicotine.
- Do you smoke? Smoking is one of the greatest risk factors for gum disease. Your body’s cells are designed to fight off infections. These cells become severely damaged in smokers. The cells become immunocompromised therefore more susceptible to faster bone loss and tooth loss.
- Do you have loose teeth? As gum disease is a chronic inflammatory process, the inflammation results in loss of bone attachment around the tooth. You can begin to experience recession of your gums indicating bone loss.
- Have you seen a dentist in the past two years? Every adult should be screened for periodontal disease. This requires the use of a periodontal probe and x-rays to make a proper diagnosis. Dental cleaning visits allow the removal of superficial plaque and calculus (hard deposits) from the teeth, thus reducing the risk for gum disease. Three or six-months intervals are usually recommended.
- How often do you brush and floss? Daily brushing and flossing reduce bacteria that cause gum disease. You must be taught how to brush and floss properly. Make brushing your teeth the last thing you do before bedtime. Use a soft bristle brush and don’t use it in a scrubbing motion.
- Do you currently have any of the following health conditions? heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes? If you do, your gum disease risk increases.
- Have you ever been told that you have a gum problem, gum infection, or gum inflammation?Once any of these occur, continual assessment and monitoring is necessary as gum disease is a constant threat in most people.
- Have you had any adult teeth extracted due to gum disease or shaky teeth? If a tooth was recently lost due to gum disease, your likelihood of losing another tooth would increase.
- Have any of your family members had gum disease? There is clearly a genetic link to gum disease. People whose parents have gum disease are 10 times more likely to have the disease than the general population.
How did you do with the questions? If you answered yes to one of these questions you are at risk. If you answered yes to two or more of the questions then you should see a specialist who has the experience and expertise to help you.
For more information visit our website at
Dr. Kendal V. O. Major is Founder and CEO of Center for Specialized Dentistry which is a comprehensive family dental practice operating in Nassau and Freeport. He is the first Bahamian Specialist in gum diseases and dental implants since 1989. He also is a certified Fast braces provider. His practice is located at 89 Collins Avenue, Nassau at (242)325-5165 or [email protected].

Periodontal disease before treatment and after

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